Category Archives: HP

HP Veer 4G webOS As AT&T Free Upgrade Phone

Tiny design webOS phone HP Veer 4G is one of AT&T free upgrade phone, this phone is available as AT&T upgrade phone that will cost $49.99 before, now it’s dropped as free phone. Just from my opinion, seems it has not good reaction from customer so they dropped the price. It’s available as free phone for all customer account, new and existing AT&T customer. So, if you still want to get tiny mini miny moo device, this could be the best moment for you to buy HP Veer 4G webOS if you are an existing AT&T customer or having plans to register as new AT&T customer. It’s also available to buy HP Veer 4G without contract, that listed from original price $399.99 and now dropped to $349.99. Even it’s only $50, but at least you still can use the money for buy an accessories. Read the rest of this entry